Resource routing allows you to quickly declare all of the common routes for a given resourceful controller. Instead of declaring separate routes for your index
, show
, new
, edit
, create
, update
, and destroy
actions, a resourceful route declares them in a single line of code:
resources :photos
Sometimes, you have a resource that clients always look up without referencing an ID. A common example, /profile always shows the profile of the currently logged in user. In this case, you can use a singular resource to map /profile (rather than /profile/:id) to the show action.
resource :profile
It’s common to have resources that are logically children of other resources:
resources :magazines do
resources :ads
You may wish to organize groups of controllers under a namespace. Most commonly, you might group a number of administrative controllers under an admin
namespace. You would place these controllers under the app/controllers/admin
directory, and you can group them together in your router:
namespace "admin" do
resources :posts, :comments
By default the :id
parameter doesn’t accept dots. If you need to use dots as part of the :id
parameter add a constraint which overrides this restriction, e.g:
resources :articles, id: /[^\/]+/
This allows any character other than a slash as part of your :id
- A
- C
- D
- M
- N
- R
- S
- W
CANONICAL_ACTIONS | = | %w(index create new show update destroy) |
RESOURCE_OPTIONS | = | [:as, :controller, :path, :only, :except, :param, :concerns] |
VALID_ON_OPTIONS | = | [:new, :collection, :member] |
Instance Public methods
collection(&block) Link
To add a route to the collection:
resources :photos do
collection do
get 'search'
This will enable Rails
to recognize paths such as /photos/search
with GET, and route to the search action of PhotosController
. It will also create the search_photos_url
and search_photos_path
route helpers.
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1548 def collection(&block) unless resource_scope? raise ArgumentError, "can't use collection outside resource(s) scope" end with_scope_level(:collection) do path_scope(parent_resource.collection_scope, &block) end end
draw(name) Link
Loads another routes file with the given name
located inside the config/routes
directory. In that file, you can use the normal routing DSL, but do not surround it with a Rails.application.routes.draw
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
draw :admin # Loads `config/routes/admin.rb`
draw "third_party/some_gem" # Loads `config/routes/third_party/some_gem.rb`
# config/routes/admin.rb
namespace :admin do
resources :accounts
# config/routes/third_party/some_gem.rb
mount SomeGem::Engine, at: "/some_gem"
CAUTION: Use this feature with care. Having multiple routes files can negatively impact discoverability and readability. For most applications —even those with a few hundred routes — it’s easier for developers to have a single routes file.
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1657 def draw(name) path = @draw_paths.find do |_path| File.exist? "#{_path}/#{name}.rb" end unless path msg = "Your router tried to #draw the external file #{name}.rb,\n" \ "but the file was not found in:\n\n" msg += { |_path| " * #{_path}" }.join("\n") raise ArgumentError, msg end route_path = "#{path}/#{name}.rb" instance_eval(, route_path.to_s) end
match(path, *rest, &block) Link
Matches a URL pattern to one or more routes. For more information, see match.
match 'path' => 'controller#action', via: :patch
match 'path', to: 'controller#action', via: :post
match 'path', 'otherpath', on: :member, via: :get
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1679 def match(path, *rest, &block) if rest.empty? && Hash === path options = path path, to = options.find { |name, _value| name.is_a?(String) } raise ArgumentError, "Route path not specified" if path.nil? case to when Symbol options[:action] = to when String if to.include?("#") options[:to] = to else options[:controller] = to end else options[:to] = to end options.delete(path) paths = [path] else options = rest.pop || {} paths = [path] + rest end if options.key?(:defaults) defaults(options.delete(:defaults)) { map_match(paths, options, &block) } else map_match(paths, options, &block) end end
member(&block) Link
To add a member route, add a member block into the resource block:
resources :photos do
member do
get 'preview'
This will recognize /photos/1/preview
with GET, and route to the preview action of PhotosController
. It will also create the preview_photo_url
and preview_photo_path
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1569 def member(&block) unless resource_scope? raise ArgumentError, "can't use member outside resource(s) scope" end with_scope_level(:member) do if shallow? shallow_scope { path_scope(parent_resource.member_scope, &block) } else path_scope(parent_resource.member_scope, &block) end end end
namespace(path, options = {}) Link
nested(&block) Link
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1595 def nested(&block) unless resource_scope? raise ArgumentError, "can't use nested outside resource(s) scope" end with_scope_level(:nested) do if shallow? && shallow_nesting_depth >= 1 shallow_scope do path_scope(parent_resource.nested_scope) do scope(nested_options, &block) end end else path_scope(parent_resource.nested_scope) do scope(nested_options, &block) end end end end
new(&block) Link
resource(*resources, &block) Link
Sometimes, you have a resource that clients always look up without referencing an ID. A common example, /profile always shows the profile of the currently logged in user. In this case, you can use a singular resource to map /profile (rather than /profile/:id) to the show action:
resource :profile
This creates six different routes in your application, all mapping to the Profiles
controller (note that the controller is named after the plural):
GET /profile/new
GET /profile
GET /profile/edit
PATCH/PUT /profile
DELETE /profile
POST /profile
If you want instances of a model to work with this resource via record identification (e.g. in form_with
or redirect_to
), you will need to call resolve:
resource :profile
resolve('Profile') { [:profile] }
# Enables this to work with singular routes:
form_with(model: @profile) {}
Takes same options as resources
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1337 def resource(*resources, &block) options = resources.extract_options!.dup if apply_common_behavior_for(:resource, resources, options, &block) return self end with_scope_level(:resource) do options = apply_action_options options resource_scope(, api_only?, @scope[:shallow], options)) do yield if block_given? concerns(options[:concerns]) if options[:concerns] new do get :new end if parent_resource.actions.include?(:new) set_member_mappings_for_resource collection do post :create end if parent_resource.actions.include?(:create) end end self end
resources(*resources, &block) Link
In Rails
, a resourceful route provides a mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs and controller actions. By convention, each action also maps to particular CRUD operations in a database. A single entry in the routing file, such as
resources :photos
creates seven different routes in your application, all mapping to the Photos
GET /photos
GET /photos/new
POST /photos
GET /photos/:id
GET /photos/:id/edit
PATCH/PUT /photos/:id
DELETE /photos/:id
can also be nested infinitely by using this block syntax:
resources :photos do
resources :comments
This generates the following comments routes:
GET /photos/:photo_id/comments
GET /photos/:photo_id/comments/new
POST /photos/:photo_id/comments
GET /photos/:photo_id/comments/:id
GET /photos/:photo_id/comments/:id/edit
PATCH/PUT /photos/:photo_id/comments/:id
DELETE /photos/:photo_id/comments/:id
Takes same options as match as well as:
- :path_names
Allows you to change the segment component of the
actions. Actions not specified are not changed.
resources :posts, path_names: { new: "brand_new" }
The above example will now change /posts/new to /posts/brand_new.
- :path
Allows you to change the path prefix for the resource.
resources :posts, path: 'postings'
The resource and all segments will now route to /postings instead of
- :only
Only generate routes for the given actions.
resources :cows, only: :show
resources :cows, only: [:show, :index]
- :except
Generate all routes except for the given actions.
resources :cows, except: :show
resources :cows, except: [:show, :index]
- :shallow
Generates shallow routes for nested resource(s). When placed on a parent resource, generates shallow routes for all nested resources.
resources :posts, shallow: true do
resources :comments
Is the same as:
resources :posts do
resources :comments, except: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
resources :comments, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
This allows URLs for resources that otherwise would be deeply nested such
as a comment on a blog post like `/posts/a-long-permalink/comments/1234`
to be shortened to just `/comments/1234`.
Set `shallow: false` on a child resource to ignore a parent's shallow
- :shallow_path
Prefixes nested shallow routes with the specified path.
scope shallow_path: "sekret" do
resources :posts do
resources :comments, shallow: true
The `comments` resource here will have the following routes generated for
post_comments GET /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)
post_comments POST /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)
new_post_comment GET /posts/:post_id/comments/new(.:format)
edit_comment GET /sekret/comments/:id/edit(.:format)
comment GET /sekret/comments/:id(.:format)
comment PATCH/PUT /sekret/comments/:id(.:format)
comment DELETE /sekret/comments/:id(.:format)
- :shallow_prefix
Prefixes nested shallow route names with specified prefix.
scope shallow_prefix: "sekret" do
resources :posts do
resources :comments, shallow: true
The `comments` resource here will have the following routes generated for
post_comments GET /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)
post_comments POST /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)
new_post_comment GET /posts/:post_id/comments/new(.:format)
edit_sekret_comment GET /comments/:id/edit(.:format)
sekret_comment GET /comments/:id(.:format)
sekret_comment PATCH/PUT /comments/:id(.:format)
sekret_comment DELETE /comments/:id(.:format)
- :format
Allows you to specify the default value for optional
segment or disable it by supplyingfalse
. - :param
Allows you to override the default param name of
in the URL.
# routes call Admin::PostsController
resources :posts, module: "admin"
# resource actions are at /admin/posts.
resources :posts, path: "admin/posts"
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1507 def resources(*resources, &block) options = resources.extract_options!.dup if apply_common_behavior_for(:resources, resources, options, &block) return self end with_scope_level(:resources) do options = apply_action_options options resource_scope(, api_only?, @scope[:shallow], options)) do yield if block_given? concerns(options[:concerns]) if options[:concerns] collection do get :index if parent_resource.actions.include?(:index) post :create if parent_resource.actions.include?(:create) end new do get :new end if parent_resource.actions.include?(:new) set_member_mappings_for_resource end end self end
resources_path_names(options) Link
root(path, options = {}) Link
You can specify what Rails
should route “/” to with the root method:
root to: 'pages#main'
For options, see match
, as root
uses it internally.
You can also pass a string which will expand
root 'pages#main'
You should put the root route at the top of config/routes.rb
, because this means it will be matched first. As this is the most popular route of most Rails
applications, this is beneficial.
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1726 def root(path, options = {}) if path.is_a?(String) options[:to] = path elsif path.is_a?(Hash) && options.empty? options = path else raise ArgumentError, "must be called with a path and/or options" end if @scope.resources? with_scope_level(:root) do path_scope(parent_resource.path) do match_root_route(options) end end else match_root_route(options) end end
shallow() Link
shallow?() Link
Instance Private methods
api_only?() Link
set_member_mappings_for_resource() Link
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 1914 def set_member_mappings_for_resource # :doc: member do get :edit if parent_resource.actions.include?(:edit) get :show if parent_resource.actions.include?(:show) if parent_resource.actions.include?(:update) patch :update put :update end delete :destroy if parent_resource.actions.include?(:destroy) end end